Monday, June 15, 2009

Stranger [Hart]

Book: Stranger
Author: Megan Hart
Genre: Romance - Erotica
Reason for Reading: for fun

Christine's Review: Grace took over her father's business as a funeral home director. It is a tough job, but Grace enjoys having her own company, managing employees and growing the business. Intimately familiar with death and the knowledge that everyone you love with eventually leave you, Grace decided long ago that she would not open herself up to relationships. They were too she decided to go the escort route instead. That is, until one night she meets Sam. Will Grace continue using escorts or will she open her heart to Sam? And what will Sam think if he finds out about her past?

Grace is a strong, funny, intelligent lead character. She has a lot of spunk and is someone I enjoyed following. While Sam was funny, he was more or less a loser. It was hard for me to see the attraction between them and I was not satisfied with him as a romantic lead. There were some sensual scenes and characters from 'Dirty' were also in this book, which I enjoyed, but overall, the book was flat.

Recommend: no

Book Junkie's Grade: C+

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