Monday, August 3, 2009

Always Dakota [Macomber]

Book: Always Dakota [Dakota book 3]
Author: Debbie Macomber
Reason for Reading: for fun
Genre: Romance

Review: The two characters at the forefront of the third book in the Dakota series, ranchers Margaret Clemens and Matt Eilors, have an unrealistic story line and are never fleshed out as sympathetic characters. Margaret decides to marry Matt even though she knows he doesn't love her, while he is drawn to Margaret for her work ethic, honestly and the land she inherited from her wealthy father. A revelation toward the end of the book threatens their marriage, but the reactions of both characters doesn't ring true. Luckily, Macomber dedicates more time to wrapping us secondary relationships from the two previous books which left me satisfied.

Recommend: if you've read the other two, yes. Otherwise, skip this one.

Book Junkie's Grade: C+

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