Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Devil's Closet

Book: The Devil's Closet
Series: CeeCee Gallagher #2
Author: Stacy Dittrich

Multiple Amber Alerts for missing girls bring Detective CeeCee Gallagher onto the case of a serial child abducter and murderer. Time is running out as Gallagher and her partner race to save the girls, their lives and apprehend the killer before he can strike again-Goodreads

Review: Once again, Dittrich crafts a very disturbing case (loosely based on a case she worked) involving a predator who sexually abuses and murders young children. This isn't for the faint hearted as the subject matter is pretty awful.

Like the previous installment, I really enjoy the investigation aspect of this book. It freaked me out and I was on edge to see who the killer would eventually be stopped. As for our lead investigator CeeCee...I'm not a huge fan. Dittrich's writing style is very dry and non-emotional so it's hard to get a well rounded/realistic view of anyone. We are told she's a brilliant investigator but she seems to whine, cry and act unprofessional quite often. It's amazing anymore has any respect for her. There was a lot of drama involving her love life (as well as her boss/friend) that I didn't care for. I will definitely continue to read this series even though because I love the actual cases and 'the hunt' for the killers.

Grade: 3/5

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