Friday, December 4, 2015

Little Black Lies

Book: Little Black Lies
Author: Sharon Bolton

In such a small community as the Falkland Islands, a missing child is unheard of. In such a dangerous landscape it can only be a terrible tragedy, surely...

When another child goes missing, and then a third, it’s no longer possible to believe that their deaths were accidental, and the villagers must admit that there is a murderer among them. Even Catrin Quinn, a damaged woman living a reclusive life after the accidental deaths of her own two sons a few years ago, gets involved in the searches and the speculation.

And suddenly, in this wild and beautiful place that generations have called home, no one feels safe and the hysteria begins to rise.

But three islanders—Catrin, her childhood best friend, Rachel, and her ex-lover Callum—are hiding terrible secrets. And they have two things in common: all three of them are grieving, and none of them trust anyone, not even themselves.-Goodreads

Review: This book has an interesting format. There are three sections narrated by three different people. It started out incredible and I couldn't put it down. Catrin is bitter and grieving. Her best friend was babysitting her two young children and her negligence lead to their deaths. Catrin lost her children, her marriage broke up and she has been channeling all her anger and resentment at her former best friend. Catrin has a plan to make Rachel pay for her crime but a missing child on the island is getting in the way. When another child goes missing, the story shifts to Callum, an outsider living on the island. He and Catrin have a history and he wants to believe the old Catrin is in there somewhere. When she is suspected of killing the children, he comes to her defense. But he has a lot of issues of his own. This section for me was a big let down after Catrin. Callum came across kind of stalker-ish and frankly, not that intelligent. The last section is narrated by Rachel, who hates herself for what happened to Catrin's children. Even though Rachel's children are still alive, she cannot undo what happened years ago and she feels like a pariah in town. She cannot bring herself to love her youngest son. I enjoyed Rachel's section although it wasn't as strong as Catrin. The ending was very frustrating as we find out Rachel knows who the killer is and takes no action. 

Overall-I did enjoy this. The Falkland setting was eerie and perfect for a murder mystery. Catrin's narrative was undoubtedly the best and while the others weren't as strong, I'm definitely planning to read more from this author. 

Grade: 3/5

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