Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dry

Book: The Dry
Series: Aaron Falk #1
Author: Jane Harper

After getting a note demanding his presence, Federal Agent Aaron Falk arrives in his hometown for the first time in decades to attend the funeral of his best friend, Luke. Twenty years ago when Falk was accused of murder, Luke was his alibi. Falk and his father fled under a cloud of suspicion, saved from prosecution only because of Luke’s steadfast claim that the boys had been together at the time of the crime. But now more than one person knows they didn’t tell the truth back then, and Luke is dead.

Amid the worst drought in a century, Falk and the local detective question what really happened to Luke. As Falk reluctantly investigates to see if there’s more to Luke’s death than there seems to be, long-buried mysteries resurface, as do the lies that have haunted them. And Falk will find that small towns have always hidden big secrets.-Goodreads

Review: All of my Goodreads friends rated this book 5/5 stars and I fully expected to love it. I really wanted to love it. It starts with a bang-a mother and her child are murdered while her baby daughter cries in the next room. The husband is found a few miles away, dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Aaron Falk, a federal agent who specializes in financial crimes, comes home for the funeral as the man who supposedly killed his family and then himself was Aaron's childhood best friend. Aaron himself left town in a hurry almost 20 years ago and people haven't forgotten what happened. 

This had all the right ingredients-a gruesome crime, a mysterious event that happened years ago, a small Australian town that seemed depressing in every facet imaginable. What didn't work for me was Aaron Falk himself. He was so boring-I really can't even describe to you what he looks like (other than he's pale, I imagined an almost albino) or even describe his personality. Because almost the entire book is told from his perspective (with some odd flashbacks to the past) this book had no heart or life to it. Boring, boring, boring. 

Grade: 2/5

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