Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Girl With a Clock for a Heart

Book: The Girl with a Clock for a Heart
Author: Peter Swanson

George Foss never thought he'd see her again, but on a late-August night in Boston, there she is, in his local bar, Jack's Tavern.

When George first met her, she was an eighteen-year-old college freshman from Sweetgum, Florida. She and George became inseparable in their first fall semester, so George was devastated when he got the news that she had committed suicide over Christmas break. But, as he stood in the living room of the girl's grieving parents, he realized the girl in the photo on their mantelpiece - the one who had committed suicide - was not his girlfriend. Later, he discovered the true identity of the girl he had loved - and of the things she may have done to escape her past.

Now, twenty years later, she's back, and she's telling George that he's the only one who can help her..-Goodreads

Review: Do you remember your freshman year boyfriend or girlfriend? George sure does. Even though she deceived him and it's been twenty years, George can't stay away from the trainwreck that was his first love. Swanson does a great job writing George as a likable character, even after he makes bad decision after bad decision. Very enjoyable read!

Grade: 3.5/5

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