Saturday, July 7, 2012

Appointment with Death [Christie]

Book: Appointment with Death [Hercule Poirot #19]
Author: Agatha Christie 

Review: While vacationing in Jerusalem, Poirot overhears a young American tell his sister that their mother has to be killed. Poirot later meets the family (the Boynton's) and discovers they are lead by a sadistic tyrant of a mother who uses emotional abuse to control her children. When Mrs. Boynton suddenly dies, Poirot vows to prove her death was murder and identify the murderer within 24 hours. 

Happy dance-I figured this one out!! Actually, I think most people reading this would figure it out. There was an important clue that was referenced several times so it was pretty clear who it was. I did enjoy the entire cast of characters, including the various Boynton children. I especially enjoyed the relationship between the eldest step-child Lennox and his wife Nadine, and how she was attempting to break him free of his mother. Overall, another enjoyable Christie read. 

Grade: B

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