Wednesday, May 13, 2009

6 Rainer Drive [Macomber]

Book: 6 Rainer Drive [Cedar Cove book 6]
Author: Debbie Macomber
Genre: Romance
Reason for Reading: for fun

Christine's Review: Book 6 in the Cedar Cove series focuses on Justine and Seth Gunderson. After their restaurant is burned down due to arson, Seth is consumed with rebuilding while Justine wants to focus on their family and their new found ability to spend time together. When her old boyfriend starts to show up and offer her support, she is conflicted.

Gossipy, fun and a realistic look at a marriage in trouble. The side stories in this book were also strong: Lynette's troubled relationship, Mary Ellen's husband's relationship with his family and a new spunky addition in Teri, a hair dresser who falls in love with a famous chess player.

Recommend: Yes

Book Junkie's Grade: B

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