Monday, April 2, 2012

Drink Deep [Neill]

Book: Drink Deep [Chicagoland Vampires book 5]
Author: Chloe Neill

Review: **spoiler alert** Things have changed at Cadogan House. Malik is now the Master following Ethan's untimely demise (I'll be honest-I was cheering when he bit the dust in book 4) and the GP (the ruling vampire body worldwide) has sent a representative to take control of the house. Merit is still grieving Ethan's death when Lake Michigan turns black. Merit, along with Jonah, investigate the issue introducing several new supernatural species. Merit also tries to balance her new restrictive life at Cadogan (the GP rep institutes several new rules, including blood rationing and a ban on junk food) while maintaining her friendship with Mallory, who is studying for intense magical tests. 

Once again, this book had so much potential but it just was not good at all. The writing was too juvenile, the mystery too easy to figure out, and Merit's constant grieving about Ethan wore thin quickly. Their "relationship" consisted of one night of passion followed by sarcastic remarks and ignoring each other and investigating a few vampire mysteries over the last 4 books. The guys was alive 400+ years and we are lead to believe Merit is really the one who captured his heart? I don't buy it. I also HATED the ending of this book. 

Grade: C

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