Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sad Cypress [Christie]

Book: Sad Cypress [Hercule Poirot #21]
Author: Agatha Christie

Review: Elinor Carlisle receives an anonymous note stating that someone has been sucking up to her elderly, sick aunt. Elinor and her fiance, Roddy Welman, travel to see her aunt and figure out what is going on, concerned about their future financial state since they expect to inherit a sizable fortune. Elinor notices a special relationship between a local girl, Mary Gerrrad and her aunt, and things become more complicated when Roddy falls in love with Mary. After aunt Laura dies, Elinor and Roddy's engagement is broken off and Elinor sets about settling her aunts affairs. When Mary is poisoned and all evidence points to Elinor, she finds herself on trial for murder. The local doctor engages Hercule Poirot to help get Elinor off.

A very good read, 'Sad Cypress' was arranged in three parts. Part One: Primarily Elinor's account of her aunt's death and Mary's death. Part Two: Poirot's investigation. Part Three: The court case. My favorite part of this story was that I was never sure if Elinor did or did not commit the crimes in question. I was on the edge of my seat and never saw the end coming. Bravo Ms. Christie!

Grade: B

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