Monday, December 2, 2013

City of Lost Souls

Book: City of Lost Souls
Series: Mortal Instruments #5
Author: Cassandra Claire

Review: Jace has been bound to Sebastian and does his bidding. Meanwhile, the Clave is after Sebastian. While Magnus, Simon and the crew try to find a way to safely break the bond, Clary decides to take matters into her own hands to stay close to Jace.

The Good: The good/controlled Jace (I won't say bad or evil because even in his trance state he wasn't that bad) was fun and I enjoyed the dynamic between him and Sebastian. Simon is my favorite MI character and his sections provided good comic relief. I also really like him and Isabelle's relationship. 

The Not so Good: Clary. She was tolerable in book #4 but she was so whiny and ridiculous in this book I found myself constantly rolling my eyes. And while I love Magnus (can he get his own series? Pretty please?) his relationship with Alec (**spoiler alert**) needed to end a lot faster than it did. The fabulous Magnus Bane should not be putting up with immature Alec! Other than being good looking, I'm not sure what Alec brings to the table. 

Overall, I still enjoyed this book and look forward to the last one. 

Grade:  3 stars

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